Wednesday 15 November 2017

English... a headache that is worth suffering.

During to all my education, since I was in 5th grade, english was for me something unnecessary for my life. Always I knew that someday I would need it for my professional career, but in 5th grade that time was far away (too away). Nevertheless, I had an ability (or I believe that) to speak, for that reason when I was in high school went (two times) to English Camps organized by Ministry of Education. In that camps, we spoke all day in english with english speakers. It was great. Both times these persons told me that my english was good, so I felt good because they understood me even though I spoke very badly. I think they were too optimistic and positive with my English hahaha
That experience helps me with had more interest in learning the language. 
But writing always was (is) my ruin. When I wrote (write) always missing something that make sense to the idea. In other words, that I wrote (write) it is not understood. The reason may be because I write and decided to learn by intuition, just as I speak Spanish, without questioning the structure of what I say. So, it is normal that I fail too often, most of the time. But since I started university, it was necessary knew english, and knew well. So, I try my best, but failed again hahaha
Nevertheless, I have had to read many things in English about different topics, and little by little I have felt that my writing has improved and in my mind, I speak much better than before.  And of course, having to do these blogs helped me to realize what I always lack when I am writing.
In the future, I plan to persist with reading in english every time with less help of wordreference and in the future, go to some english speaking country.  

 La imagen puede contener: exterior

Pd: this semester was very hard in relation that almost all papers that we must read was in english. It was hard.

Pd2: A pic of Máximo because he represent me right now, and his face was weird hahaha

Friday 3 November 2017

Career… again

Today the topic is about the changes that I would like to apply in my career.  First of all, I will love change some subjects, not because it is bad, but it is taught for teachers that (for me) teach wrongly. I refer to academics that had a bad form to present the information for students, and finally the information did not reach to us. Also some subjects have more than one teacher, so the information came disconnected and incoherent. In fact, for that reason students really often did not go to classes.  

Other thing is about timetables. Currently I don’t have time for meeeeee because I have to do a lot of thing, like reading, reading and reading (my right eye is blinking right now). For me and lots of my fellow classmates, the time that we need to spend at university is too much. We deserve time for us, time for relaxing, time for living!

The last thing is about facilities. When the semester is finishing, students spend more time at university than at home and the hours of the day are not enough (in my case, last week I slept more time in the transport that at home…yes). I think that the curricula and teachers need to be gentler with students during the last days of the semester. The written reports accumulate, there is scarce time to sleep, students arrive late to class and are not in the mood either. The end of the semester is a bad time for us, so I think that we need special considerations to have some time less stressful. 

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Friday 20 October 2017

The Future

Have you thought of what do you do after leaving university? For someone getting a job is the next step, but for others it is an option to continue with the studies. In my case, I really do not know what to do after finishing my career. When I was in second year, I wanted to continue with  a PhD, but know, I only want to finish everything and go away for some time from the faculty. For that reason, if I decide to do PhD, definitely it won't at University of Chile.

But, remembering the past, when I wanted to take a PhD I think that was a very good idea because it is a plus in your curriculum vitae to have one like that. I was thinking of taking history of arts PhD, or something about my career. If it was history of arts, I would prefer to study in Europe, a full time course. If it is something related with archaeology I will study in Chile, is the best.

Right now, I really want to finish my career and take a time for me and do things that I really enjoy such as yoga, playing the violin, traveling, spending time with my friends and family, etc., things that right now I cannot do. Wether in the future I need a PhD, I will not deny the possibility of taking the course, but for now I only want to rest (in peace). 

Friday 13 October 2017


Hi everyone! Today the post is about my dog. As you may know, the name of this blog is in honour of him.
My dog name is because he is the greatest dog in the entire world, so Máximo is the best, the most beautiful, sweet and loving dog at the universe. The name of his breed is basset hound, and like others of that breed, he is obstinate, affectionate, whiny, grumbler, sometimes boisterous but most of the time slack. He is so slack, that when someone want to take him photos, he is always sleeping.
Máximo arrived to us when he was 10 months old. Before, he lived in a house where spent all day in the street. We knew that more than one he escaped for food in the trash. His life for us, was very sad. So, one day, when I was a younger girl I went to this house and asked the owners if I could keep the dog. In this way Máximo reached our lives.       
Two years after, died our dog Peggi, a coker spanish girl who lived with us since I was in the kindergarten. From that time until now, Máximo became an important part of our family. For example, when Máximo isn’t at home, it felt like someone left, like when you mom went out and your need her for no reason. It is funny too, all the nicknames that he has. Just for saying, we say him son, doggison, baby, Kiko, Maxi Potter (because he sleeps under the stairs), Maxi Ignacio (because sometimes he is too high sociality) hahahah
I hope that you love my dog as much as my family does <3

La imagen puede contener: perro

Friday 6 October 2017


As you may know, I’m studying archaeology. But when I was in the last year of high school I did not know what to do. First I wanted history of arts, after politics sciences and then archaeology. I decided when I had my score of psu in my hands hahaha. I decided for archaeology because when I was a little girl I enjoy watching historical programs, Egypt programs and see in TV tribe programs (then I realized that the person who studies other peoples are anthropologist). Also always like the idea of getting a job that let me travel to anywhere. Despite that I enjoy my career, I would like take another one, history of arts (actually one of my teacher study archaeology and his magister was history of arts, and I knew a person that first study history of arts and then archaeology). I think of take that career because I admire art, and I want to understand it. Nevertheless, I like my future job like an archaeologist hahaha. I like the idea of going away Santiago to survey, excavate, classify, analyze and getting results, but I also like the idea of working in a Museum as a curator. I imagine myself going outside with my archaeologist clothes, excavating with a towel under the sun in the Central area of Chile. On the other hand, I imagine in the museum with a lab coat in the laboratory working with collections. In that way, I had no problem with work outdoor or/and indoor.    

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Resultado de imagen para arqueologos  en laboratorio

Friday 29 September 2017

A little about me

When I was younger I played violin. Every Saturday I used to go to the orchestra of Macul to played. In the high school, I played in the school’s orchestra. The classic music is wonderful in more than one aspect. When I am stress, I search any classical music on youtube, and minutes later I feel good. The classical music is it not only a melody, it is about a plot that the compositor expressed in sounds. For that reason, all instruments are necessary:the violin, viola, cello, bass, etc.  When someone realized all sounds of all instruments, it something like discover the heaven. I my case, I feel more than happy, I feel my chest becoming worm and my mind in peace. Nevertheless, all classic music do not make feel like that. For example, it is weird that piano music make me that feelings.  The classic music is also wonderful because can take to other places. Depends of the movement of the music, like allegretto, we can imagine that we are in a beautiful place or landscape, but when the movement is adagio we really feel in majestic and powerful.
In general people do not like classical music, but I think that happens because they never give a really chance to try to listen with attention the history that music want to say.
If you are one of that people, I give you one of my favourite classic:  Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto N 1

 I hope you give the opportunity to classical music!

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Friday 15 September 2017


Today I will talk about my top-three favourites books. Like one post that I wrote about movies, I can’t easily choose only three books, there are so many and all can be the best for someone. Nevertheless, I have at least three books that make something in me. The first one is “Azabache”. The plot is about a horse who want freedom besides that can hurt his family. In his journey he meet a mare who think diferent, and at the least they fall in love and stay together. In my mind I pictured they like two horses in the meadow galloping with happy faces hahahaha. This book is important for me because this was the first book that I readed because I wanted. Other book is Harry Potter. Everybody knows Harry Potter hahaha, but I like it for his capacity of create a new world in wich everyone can be part of and his capacity to make that all persons can imagine that world. The last is Jane Eyre. It is about a woman who works for a rich and rude man that really is a kind person. His name is Mrs. Rochester. My favourite part are the descriptions of the book are the lanscapes, I really can be there and feel the sun, threes and the wind. I like it for that, because transport me to other parts.

So, what are your favourite books? 

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Resultado de imagen para jane eyre libro